Sunday, June 29, 2014

Dad? Is that you?

As a child I was raised by Super Woman. In my opinion any and every single mother is Super Woman in her own capacity, the little that I know of my bio-father was that he was a boozer bad boy partier. My mom made the best decision she could at the time and high tailed it out of that situation. Why? Because she had a dream. 

A dream for her little girl that did not include a deadbeat dad and a volatile upbringing. You see - we all fulfill dreams all of the time without even recognizing it. With sheer passion and determination we turn dreams into reality. 

Let's fast forward to my dating years - any guesses what type of boys I liked?? Ding Ding Ding! Boozer bad-boy partiers! SHOCKER right? There I was looking to fill the gaping hole in my heart that I didn't even know existed. After years of trying to fix the unfixable I had an a-ha moment. Duh. Fix myself. I started dreaming of a relationship that was healthy and loving and I needed to get to work on my action plan immediately. Operation fix myself immediately began.

Step by step I started to process why I was behaving in certain ways, why I was thinking one way and acting another, why I didn't even recognize myself. I was trying to find my father within these horrible relationships. The hardest part was looking inward and identifying the behaviors that had to change and then taking the steps to change them.

I am happy to say that it worked. The work I did on myself led me to a long lasting, loving and super healthy relationship with the man that I was dreaming of.

Do you have a dream of a better life or relationship?

Dream.Plan.Take Action.Get Results

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Super Dreamer: Welcome!

Welcome to my Blog! This is officially the first blog I have ever officially written, and you my friend are the lucky reader. Maybe there will be one and maybe there will be one thousand, either will make me happy. I am happy to share that I have recently taken steps toward fulfilling a dream I have had for a very long time. Long long ago at a dealership far far away (not really I sold cars in Ventura, CA when I was 18) I was introduced to a man named Zig Ziglar. Not in person, I wasn't that lucky, it was a required video training for selling cars. Yes you heard me correctly I was selling cars at 18, it was my first real "Big Girl" job and my Mother thought I was Insane. Can you imagine your 18 year old daughter comes home and says, with energy and excitement - "I have found my career!", only to find out that it was SELLING CARS!!!! (Gasp!) Anyway......the moment I watched Zig on the television set (not the flatscreen) I was amazed! The power that he had, the words he was saying, the way he was making me feel! I didn't realize it at the time but it wasn't that I was excited to sell cars, it was that I was under the Zig Ziglar ether!  Since that moment I have day dreamed and night dreamed of speaking on a big stage in front of tons of people with one goal in mind: Getting them Excited in a way that provokes them to take action for themselves and create huge life changing results!

Here I sit, writing a blog that pops up on a website that has my name on it! , although today it says "Coming Soon" I am taking big steps behind the scenes to develop products, programs and services to help you start dreaming again, and to turn those dreams into goals, and from there to set up actions towards those goals so that sooner than you think you will be closer to making your dreams a reality than you ever thought possible!

I have a mission, a calling, a privilege.  To help you become a SUPER DREAMER! Please stay tuned for free videos, advice and more! Coming Soon!

Christina DuVarney